

Welcome to my personal web page!

Here I will be posting my goals, reflections and more about my programming journey and other things that might come across. I also use this as an opportunity to write more and be more creative.

I know it is not going to be perfect for now but I take this also as a good exercise for myself. I like to learn new things everyday and I believe that writing down what I learn helps absorbing the information quicker.

Writing is also a good reality check; if I am able to summarize and write down what I learn, then it is a good indication that I can actually comprehend the concepts I studied.

On this website, you can expect a variety of content ranging from coding tutorials and project updates to personal reflections and my comments on the tech world.


Email: scarpulla53@gmail.com
GitHub: @lucianosrp
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luciano-scarpulla